We found this hike around the same time we moved here. We were just driving around exploring the area and found a really cool park and beyond the park, a small trail that led into the hills.
There are cows grazing everywhere and they were actually on the trail when we first began the hike. We picked a rather cold day to go. I guess cold compared to the 68 degree weather we had during the week.
It was a short hike 1 mile each way. We want to ease our kids into the hiking bit. We also need to invest in one of those baby backpack carriers. Miss Zoey, a healthy chunk, will not be fitting into her baby bjorn much longer.
The view was spectacular, and the kids did pretty good. They complained mostly about how cold it was, not about how long it was, so that's a good thing. I think one of the fun parts of the hike was watching out for the horse poo along the way. It was almost a game. I guess a stinky game.
Fun, fun, fun! I can't wait to see what's next on our list. I hear there is a cool hike to some waterfalls on Mt. Diablo. By the way, this comment is for Ben's family. We found out where to get to the free side of Mt. Diablo. I wonder if it's better over there?