Spring time.
Allergy time.
Easter time.
Since Xander was the only healthy one of the young ones, he went to the Easter Egg Hunt all by himself. Along with these other kids too.
Did I tell you that Mia and Zoey got Strep too? Oh yes indeed it is true! What's a virus if it can't be spread amongst family members?
Guess who did not want to be in the picture?
Spring is also time for planting flowers and lots of them!
Remember our house when we bought it?
We'll, we are coming along. The grass still needs help, but it looks a ton better!
Spring time is also outside time! When it is cold and rainy here, we don't go outside as much, but when the sun is shining, we can't help but be outside!
Crazy kid time! I took this picture as Zoey was running away from me. That is basically what I do when I let this kid out.
I chase Zoey down the street.
I chase Zoey out of people's front yards.
I chase Zoey away from people's front doors.