Thursday, October 1, 2009

And in this corner. . .

weighing in at a woppin' 13 lbs. 13 oz. is Zoey "The Sumo" Porter. Off the charts in height and in the 92% for weight!


The doctor was so surprised at how developed her motor skills were. Just another over-achiever Porter. She is constantly trying to sit up and she laughed for the first time last week. The cutest thing ever!


What a cutie!


Kathy said...

Seriously! Oh my goodness...she is adorable!
-Hannah (on Mom's computer)

Andy Porter said...

Go Zoey!! Those pictures of her are soo cute!! The smile in the second one is priceless!!

Kathy said...

I can't figure out when Hannah used my computer. I can't stand for these babies to grow up so fast!

Maxmomma said...

Oh, I am seriously melting over here! Could someone not LOVE that face?!