Friday, February 27, 2009


At exactly 7:05 p.m. last night, the new word was changed to "fruit snack" by Mia while on the toliet. She yelled, "The new word is fruit snack!" and continued with, "I'm fruit snacking everyone!" I'll keep you updated if the new word changes again. You wouldn't want to be left out of the loop.


Hannah said...

That's hilarious! How cute.
And I love the name..."Zoey Maeling"...very cute! Ben got a name with and X and a Z now. A dream come true... :)

Abby Marie said...

I went to Logan over President's Day weekend and Betsy and Russ were there too. We were all at Hannah's eating dinner when the little boys started talking about poop. We told them to stop and all of a sudden Porter starts singing I am a Child of God. It was he was humming his favorite hymn to stop all the talking about poop! I don't even like to TYPE the word poop.

Kathy said...

Well the other day I changed a fruit snacky diaper full of undigested fruitsnacks. I'm not sure you really get the idea with the current euphemism. Also, I used to enjoy eating fruit snacks, now...well you know where My brain goes. Love you guys.

Liz and Dave said...

That is awesome! your daughter must have your personality. Cracks me up.